
Remembrance Day


Today, in my little world, is Remembrance day. It's really the same kind of thing as America's Veteran's Day and Memorial Day, if those days were both observed at the same time, in November, and given a "Royal-British-Crown" kind of twist. There's a link above if you want to read more about it and how it's different.

Anywho, just like everyone else today, I take a moment to think that people died for my freedom. I have no concept of war, though. There's no way for me to think that these people, these heroes were thinking about my life when they were wading through mud and dodging bullets. I have no concept of how they would have thought because I have had no reason to think that way.

I've seen war on television which as become science-fiction-ish. The only difference is that instead of expensive special computer-generated effects you have expensive reality.

Granted I'm glad that I've never had to face war. I'm glad I'm a citizen of a country that has been fortunate enough to avoid those kind of intense combat situations. I guess it's just odd trying to remember something that never happened for me. It's not so much remembrance as much as it is an imagination tainted by the entertainment industry.

It's also wondering if I would have done the same thing. I love my country . . . but that's tough stuff . . . sacrificing your life. Realistically, you could sacrifice your life and never die . . . you have to make that sacrifice by entering into battle.

My life is not my own . . . . more on this later.


1 comment:

Des said...

Just to clarify, I said citizen . . . not resident. I am STILL a citizen of Canada.