
How to Put Links on Your Blog!

Hey All.

I've had a lot of people asking me lately how I put the links to other blogs on desmerizing. So I decided to answer it here since more of you may be wondering, or if you know someone who MAY be just send 'em this way.

First of all, know that it's tough if you don't know anything about HTML (for example, if you don't know what HTML is . . . probably not a good start). But if you're adventurous, continue on.

Here goes; step by step.

  1. Go to http://www.blogger.com
  2. Log in with your username & password.
  3. At the dashboard, select CHANGE SETTINGS.
  4. Click the TEMPLATE tab (from here on it gets dicey . . . you may have to be a little interpretive . . . I'm not sure what design you're using, and I have only done this with mine).
  5. If you're on the EDIT CURRENT page (which you should be), you'll see a big rectangular box right in the middle of the page. The stuff inside is the code that you'll need to add to to make these links work.
  6. What you've got to try to do is scroll down in this box until you get to the point that you want to add your links. Mine are in a place called the sidebar. If your blog has a side bar, keep scrolling down 'til you find something like this - <DIV="sidebar">. If you can't find that, look for ANYTHING saying sidebar (or wherever else you may want to put your links, e.g. bottom, top, etc.). It'll be a long way down, so just be patient
  7. Remember, this whole process assumes that all of the other blogs on blogspot are coded the same way.
  8. You SHOULD see some of this stuff too: Begin #profile-container, End #profile-container, you'll see things that say previous posts, and MainOrArchivePage.
  9. Look for this: <MainOrArchivePage> so that it looks JUST LIKE I HAVE IT WRITTEN.
  10. Now . . . again, if you don't know how to write HTML, you may be in trouble. Know that if you start editing this stuff, and you mess something up, you MAY mess up your whole page, but if you DO, you can always go to the Template Tab -> Pick New, and from that page reset your template so it looks normal again.
  11. OK, after , you'll want to write something like this:

<center><p>Friends Who Blog:<br>

<a href="http://nameofblog.blogspot.com">Person's Name</a> <br>

<a href="http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=username">Person's Name</a> <br>

Put </center> at the end . . . otherwise, keep repeating this for however many links you need.

Then hit Save Template Changes, and it should all work. Hopefully.

Like I said, I've only ever tried that on my own blog so I can't promise that it would work for you. I tried to keep it as simple as possible, but, quickly realized, it's not that simple. Hopefully it works for you.

Peace and Love all.




Hey...thanks so much for the help. YOU ROCK! I figured out how to put the links on my Xanga too, but have not taken the time to figure out how to put the link list in a certain spot(the only place I can see I can put my own HTML is in the Heading). Its all good! Thanks...happy day.

Cara said...

there is a way easier way that is simple. When you are typing you post type the website you would like to link. Then there is a button, it looks like the world, with possibly a stapler or something, it is right next to the text color. Hilight the text that you want to have a link to and then click the button and type the the URL. Then its linked. Yay!!!!

HiMyNameIsNiel said...

Yap. Thank you so much for sharing bro! woot!


Anonymous said...

Hey,thank you so much! It really helped me alot! (:

Dave said...

Thank you so much for the help!

I've been having so much trouble posting links on blogs. I like that your blog accepts HTML. I think that has been my problem.

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Globinch said...

Easy method to create internal links between blog posts or pages.

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Anonymous said...

Great post! I'm just starting out in community management/marketing media and trying to learn how to do it well - resources like this article are incredibly helpful.
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Allia Watches said...

This is very useful to me