
New Podcast (more to come!)


There's a new podcast that will have media from around the Carolinas division! The Divisional Media Podcast is available from iTunes or other readers at the following link:


If you use something other than iTunes to get your feeds (like the great democracy player, for example), you can point that at this address:


Enjoy. I'll be posting all sorts of different content here. We've got our Music Festival/Main Streen Ministries Conference in about a week, so there will definitely be some stuff from there going up.

For now, I've been posting the sermons from Youth Councils to get us started as well as a highlight video.




Kristy's Make Up Artist Debut

This weekend at Youth Councils, Kristy was asked to turn one of the officers into a caveman for a Geico.com spoof (hopefully you've seen the commercials). She did an AMAZING job. Check out her blog for her story.

Here's a couple of shots!

Boy Scout Found Alive after 3 Days Lost in the Wilderness

A boy scout with ADHD. who went missing 3 days ago has been found alive and well. From the story: "There are many things about Michael's personality that may be connected with the ADHD that are really wonderful, that are really positive: his imagination, his creativity," Auberry said.

read more | digg story


A Friend Reminder

There have been a lot of happenings lately reminding me of the importance and the impact of my friends.

One of those things has been FaceBook. Yes, I'm well aware that there is a much cooler social networking service now called VIRB (http://www.virb.com) but I'm a recent facebook convert and I'm not quite ready to move!

(EDIT: I've got plenty of invites to virb - but I think it's open now, so you can sign up without an invite . . .if you need one or want one, just post a comment.)

In any case, it's been neat and encouraging for me (who has never thought of himself as having an abundance of friends . . . notice I'm not quite saying "loser" here, more that I have few, but very significant friends . . . . you may say loser if you wish) to see the connections that have been made over the years, even just in terms of acquaintances.

The other is that I just had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with some of those very significant friends that Kristy and I love dearly and simply have not gotten to see much of in the past 14 months or so. In spite of the distance, the significance has not faded; it's grown stronger. That's amazing to me.

I've never thought of myself as needing my friends to be present. If you know me, you probably know that I have an awful tendency to want to do things myself my way and to transform into a hermit in the face of stress - retreating to various locations of solitude.

This weekend I realized that for one of the only times in recent memory that I had a joy that has been missing for a long time . . . I wonder how long this fix will sustain me.

Don't know if it's the lack of sleep or the (2 month old) lack of caffeine talking, but . . . I think there's something in my eye.




Growing Up

I never thought I would grow up. I've been a big kid at heart for a long time - ever since I was a little kid, I guess. But I thin, at 27, that I've finally gone and done it. I think I am officially an adult.

My thoughts are much more adult now. The way that I deal with the world is much more adult now. I know now, though I often do not want to admit it, that I am in fact not invincible. That's a weird thought to finally have to accept.

You see, I've never had to deal with mortality. I've been blessed in that my family, all the way up to all four of my grandparents have all had long lives are still with me. So the number of times that I have had people that were at all close to me that I've lost I can count on one hand without using all of the fingers on it.

I don't mean this to bring any one down of course. I know that I'm blessed to be in this situation.

Recently, I've been thinking about death and what it means for me as a Christian. There have been some people loosely connected with me that have been called home earlier than expected and through those experiences God has been dealing with me in some interesting ways. Primarily, in addition to realizing that I've only got a set number of years (maybe 60, maybe 70, maybe 80, who knows?), God has been teaching me to use the time that I have because we never know how much time that is. He's been helping me see that even though I've wasted great deals of time that I could have used to help people, to meet their needs, to serve with the love of Christ on pointless pursuits, I've still got plenty of time to do whatever I can to serve in his name.

I can't say that I'm afraid of my own death . . . I'm just so unfamiliar with it that I don't know what's involved. Kristy and I were talking and many people have this questions dealt with as teenagers - she's in a very different situation than I in that she has had to deal with these questions already a number of times.

I also don't want to eventually come to the end of my life and fear that I have wasted my time. Everything I do should have purpose. Everything I do should be about bringing heaven to earth, defeating hell, building relationships that honor God. Is my day to day life going to be one of those things that I regret someday? Am I doing what I love?

As you can see, I've been dealing with some heavy thoughts lately that have REALLY made me thing and physically (literally) forced me to process them. I continue to deal with them.

Thanks for listening.




splicr: the open source video project

I've been working a little more on a concept for a project that is coming along nicely. I'm hoping to really be able to knock some stuff out soon and hopefully promo it at one of the big events coming up soon that I'm involved with.

More (obviously) to come. Enjoy the artwork.



Brody's New Shirt

Brody loves his new shirt.


Amazing French Beat Boxer

This is incredible. Found this today when just browsing around. I'm not sure that he actually breathes . . .

(disclaimer: I'm sure he breathes)

But, even with the breathing, it's pretty incredible to hear - he's got so much going on.

Oh . . . it's also in french.

Sorry 'bout that.



SASF Flashback -Word Association

I was browsing around YouTube.com tonight and came across this video. Those of you that were in the SASF during the years 1997-2001 may indeed remember a series of sketches that myself and my good friend Trevor Rodgers would "perform" (read: slaughter) at various events.

Her name is Antonia.




Sally Ann and her Strange Friends

I need some help.

I'm trying to get a list of old (or new) Salvation Army terminology (we don't make much terminiology up any more . . . .do we?). No, I'm not trying to compile it into a book or develop a sermon series or make money at the army's expense (yet . . . . no, no, I kid, I kid). Rather, I'm simply looking for some inspiration.

I've also been playing with some Photoshop toys that I found a few days ago.

As you can see.

In any case, I'm in need of lots of good ol' army terminology. It doesn't matter how obscure . . . in fact, the more obscure, the better.





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