
The Case of People vs. Me

i wish, if and when someone had or has or will have a problem with me . . . that they would, oh i don't know . . . tell ME about it. Here's the thing . . . i'm sick and tired at work and at home, hearing about something 2 weeks later that i did or didn't do to tick someone off from someone whose business it neither is nor was.

Let me say first that i have no enemies.

i have people like Moe to Homer Simpson: a well-wisher, in that he doesn't wish Homer any specific harm.

Two Examples, however cryptic they may seem (you don't need to know, i just need to vent). . . the last thing i need is to tick off someone else:

Example A: i am a salvationist, QED, i wear a uniform to church. Sometimes i choose not to, or it is impractical for some other reason; so I show up in civilized clothing . . . usually some form of a buttoned shirt and khakis. Part two of this example includes the fact that i work for the same company that i attend church at . . . . my question is this: why should my boss at WORK have to hear about my not wearing my uniform to CHURCH? Reason 1 I am confused: the TWO ARE NOT CONNECTED; reason 2: it's such a PETTY issue that it BOGGLES my mind.

Example B (OK so not a specific example, but a generic conglomerate of many situations): Either professionally or personally, NO ONE complains to me about problems with me . . . LET ALONE have the spiritually maturity to confront me on the grounds of accountability. And it ticks me off. i don't like having people not like me . . . i don't thrive on confrontation. But for MY SAKE PLEASE tell me what your problems are so we can work 'em out!

Sorry . . . i'll have to remove the link from the departmental website because of my ranting i suppose.

Anywho, 2 things to finish: 1) If you have a problem with me, please tell ME about it and not the remainder of the civilized world, and 2) If you have a problem with me (and i hear about it from you or ANY ONE ELSE ON THE PLANET), i will come to you (at the advice of my wiser, beautifuler fiancée) and confront you on it.

Just so you know.

Hey, my first HOSTILE post. Nice. Don't worry, this is more of an air-my-dirty-laundry kind of post as i'm sure no one who has issues with me or my choice of attire or my lack of musical knowledge and immaturity reads this thing anyway.

i'm pretty sure i love all of you. Which is not to say that i don't love the other people too . . .



Anonymous said...

Wait...can you attend a Salvation Army meeting, not be in uniform, and still receive a blessing?!? Hmmmmm...Interesting thought! Not sure who had a problem with this Des, but sooner or later, they're sure to get over it. I think its been at least two weeks since I wore anything remotely resembling a uniform and I'm sure some people are upset about it. Thankfully God doesn't care what we wear when we approach His throne of grace or we'd all be in trouble.


Anonymous said...

Hi Desmond, it's Jen Rowsell :) Yes I read your blog! Just wanted to say that I agree with everyone about the uniform thing... I got in a big fight with my family the other day about having to wear a uniform and how it's my duty... they were mad at me because I am excited that I am away on weekends for the next 3 Sundays in a row. No uniform! But does that make me any less of a Christian?? I can still be a Senior Soldier without it. But they don't seem to think so, and they have problems with people getting in and out of it... like what does it matter????

Anywho, the point is I agree :) I've been searching a lot regarding church and all of that stuff... good to know I am not totally insane. And I am sure people love you.... you are great! :)

from Jen