
Cable Guy vs. Christ

Another strange insight . . . albeit not that strange, and probably not that much of an insight either. Either way, i just thought about how i loved my cable guy yesterday more than Jesus. (Incidentally, i also just realized that I pronounce either with an 'I' sound at the beginning, when at the end of a sentence, and an 'E' sound when it's at the beginning).

So, i call Time Warner Cable on Friday and say, "Hey, i'd like cable please." After a great conversation with the operator, she assured me that my cable guy would show up on Monday, at some point between 1 & 5 PM. Great . . . had to leave work early, but with much naivity on my side, i said, "Ah, i'll be back." (It is both a blessing and a curse to live so close to the office).

So I go home at one . . . decided to stay in my work outfit, and made some lunch (read, reheated food from Sunday). I wait, watching a very snowy antenna-aided picture on my little television (which for now, sits on a tipped-over rubbermaid storage container, and will remain so until such time as I can get an entertainment center).

i waited some more.

and some more.

and then, at 4:00-ish, my cable man cometh, hooketh me up, and within 20ish minutes i'm watching the best programming standard cable has to offer.

Don't remember the last time i waited 4 hours for Jesus to show up.

MTV & the Discovery Channel, however, were apparently well worth the wait.


Anonymous said...

"Love your cable guy more than Jesus?" What??

Anonymous said...

Cable guy vs.Jesus???

Anonymous said...

Hey Des...its Kim. I really like reading your blogs. You are much better at seeing something in your life and PRACTICALLY relating it to your walk with Christ. If God is speaking through you on this blog, I don't think your falsly representing Him. I loved this blog and almost put on mine cause it was so good. Let me know if you're cool with me doing that cause I might just still do it. Wedding plans coming along? :-)