
Things I've Learned This Weekend

They say married life changes you . . . I don't feel any different . . . but it's been 4 days now, and I have to admit that I've definitely learned a couple of things . . . things which I share with you now.

  1. Two People are Better Than One - This is always true, or has been for the past 4 days. It's better going to sleep with another person in bed, it's easier to cook for two people instead of one, it's faster to clean up an apartment with two people. Two = good.
  2. The fabric softener dispenser in my washer actually works - I always thought it was there for looks and/or to catch little pieces of stuff that washed out of my dirty clothes (lint, bubble gum wrappers, etc). Apparently there's a company called "Downy" or something, that makes stuff to go in there . . . And it helps your clothes be better. I'm all about the self-actualization of my clothing.
  3. Decorative paper towels are great are beneficial for both practical and aesthetic reasons - Thank you bounty for making paper towels that coordinate with the seasons, and selling them under the guise of 'Big Roll' so that you can justify me paying $2.00 a roll to sop up my spilled coffee and wipe off my stove top.
  4. I like being married - So far, so good. All new experiences, all fun, all good.

I'm sure I will learn more. Or that's what Kristy tells me anyway.

Thanks for all your prayers. Thanks to our families for all they did to make our wedding day spectacular. It really was so much more than we ever imagined.

Grace all.


A. St. said...

Congratulations! Wish we could have been there on the glorious day. We miss you guys and we love you! Give Kristy our love...you can come and visit us now that you are married, weirdo! :)

A. St. said...

Congratulations! Wish we could have been there on the glorious day. We miss you guys and we love you! Give Kristy our love...you can come and visit us now that you are married, weirdo! :)