
Random Ramblings

Sorry, i've been away. Not far, nor long, but away nonetheless.

So . . . now i'm playing catch up.

I was with the territorial band & songsters in Spartanburg, SC celebrating 100+ years of service there. i don't really want to dwell on that, just to let you all know where i was.

Now, in the meantime, it's always great to get talking to friends and not-so-friends from across the territory (which is made up of 15 states) and getting their perspectives on a bunch of things. We had an interesting discussion today (with 'friends' thankfully) about some of the things commonly happening in our corps . . .

Funny how things can be both very encouraging and very discouraging.

It's also funny how Satan whispers words of discouragement at almost the SAME TIME as God and others try to ENCOURAGE us. I've NEVER been more encouraged to continue what has been going on at Charlotte Temple . . . never ever.

AND I've NEVER EVER been as discouraged about the SAME thing. People complaining, people getting uptight, disunity in the body; it's ALL bad stuff that I'm not enjoying a whole lot. Satan wants us not to trust, and definitely not to love each other. I still love everyone, i think. The first part, i'm having some difficulty with. And i HATE that so much.

Anyway . . . that's been my life and my thoughts for the past few days.

On a much happier note, in 20 days, i will be a husband!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking the whole disunity thing is something that satan is playing with down here too...and probably in alot of places in the Church. How to fix it? I can say I don't know, but honestly we all just need to step up and stop it. Like u said, just love everyone. How hard is that? Dumb question....but we can try. And when we try with God on our side, oh man I can imagine what can happen.