
Life Credit

Some of you will know that I am about to start a course in Web Design - it's a part time thing through the Art Institute Online (of the Art Institute of Pittsburgh). It's about a year-long course (a little more since I'm only a part time student) and today I got some wonderful news.

Since I've been web designing for a while now, I know a lot of stuff. I basically want to do this to help give me some more backing as I explore my web design career a little more. Anyway, in the process of applying they offer credit for life experience allowing you to be exempt from certain courses.

Last week (maybe two weeks ago now), I sent in my applications for life credit to the school (and paid $50 a pop I might add) to have my experience (aka my portfolio) audited and considered for credit.

Today . . . I got that credit!!!

Woo-Hoo. So that knocks two courses (aka $$$) and about 11 weeks off of my program time.

'Tis good news. 'Tis very good news.




Stephanie said...

That's awesome! Now you don't have to waste your time (and money) taking courses that cover info you already know. Good work being your own teacher.

Anonymous said...

You've always been able to make things happen. You'll be a wonderful web designer.

Kathy said...