
Hell Razing

A wise friend of mine (Johnny) first turned me on to the teachings of Rob Bell a few years ago, when he handed me a CD of a sermon and simply said, "This will change your life." The sermon was entitled, "Covered in the Dust of your Rabbi." It really was incredible and showed Jesus in a light that I had never seen before. Jesus, the Rabbi. What would the things he said mean if interpreted by the student, or wanna be student of a Rabbi in first century Bible land?

You may want to get a little more familiar with Rob Bell by reading his book, Velvet Elvis. It's also available as an audio download from iTunes.

I've been keeping up with most of his sermons and teachings. It's pretty revolutionary, in the sense that it turns the clock way back.

The most interesting as of late was his most recent sermon, part of a larger series entitled Jesus Wants to Save Christians. He talked about hell and how the words Jesus used in talking about what we translate as HELL actually referred to a place outside of Jerusalem - specifically the dump. He went on to talk about hell figuratively as "places" here on earth - e.g. Sudan, Invisible Children in Uganda, wars, loneliness, etc. All these, he says, are forms of hell on earth and we as Christians should be trying to combat these things now, rather than waiting for Jesus to defeat Satan.

So, it got me thinking. First I got thinking about defeating hell as in serving mankind . . . rather generic. To RAZE is to destroy . . . . what I want to do is to somehow start a hell razing group or team or fellowship or something. But, me, thinking in terms of a web designer, got thinking about how can I develop a site that people can use as a tool for finding ways to help out the world. It would explain, fully, of course the concept of hell on earth and list news, stats, about atrocities that are ongoing. It would also allow discussion groups, and team building so that people could get together and figure out ways they could get involved. I want it to be THE place where people who want to defeat evil NOW will gather to discuss and formulate ideas: a breeding ground for ideas for the army of God, the kingdom of God here on earth.

So, I'm planning on launching something like this soon. I'll announce more later . . . I obviously don't have a LOT of time to give to it right now . . . but it will happen. Pray for it. And listen to Rob Bell.



Stephanie said...

I've always said that you are the best person I know to come up with catchy titles or names for things... Hell Razers... that's pretty awesome... you should go forth with your idea!

Daniel said...

You have an awesome idea, here, Des.

I've just started listening to Rob Bell here in the last couple of days while I've been on the road. He is amazing. Tilden hooked me up with 100 of Rob Bell's sermons and I've been burning them to CD (since I'm still in the stone age and don't have an MP3 player), so I'm set for a little while.

And I agree with Stephanie... you do come up with the best catch phrases.