
Another Blog - Now with EVEN MORE TECH

A friend of mine (let's call her Stephanie) - has accused me of having a particular type of blog posting. I admit - many of my posts are tech-related in one form or another. I can't fault her for that :)

Some of you will also know that I recently started my own web design company in Asheville called Web and Flow Design. If not, check it out. So, in my efforts to get noticed out there in the big wide world of the world wide web, I've started a blog at that site that will allow me to post tech news, news about Web and Flow happenings, and just general cool stuff.

That's not to say that I won't CONTINUE to post tech stuff here . . . . just if that's what you're into you'll want to bookmark the Web and Flow (Asheville) Blog - http://blog.webandflowdesign.com to keep reading up on some of that stuff.




The Secret of Happiness said...

I'm into your tech blogs

Stephanie said...

Your tech blogs are always laced with coolness... not dorkiness. :)