

I forgot to tell you about this.

http://www.xxxchurch.com is a very cool site. Post-Modern Chrisitan Anti-Porn type site. It really is safe. You can go check it out and it won't leave any weird viruses or anything on your computer. But if you or someone you know struggles with Pornography like so many people have and do, it's an amazing resource. I don't work for them, despite how this paragraph reads.

Anywho . . . so whilst at youth specialties in Atlanta, they had a pre-screening of a documentary that they're doing about their work. They're two pastors from California who just have this vision to minister to those enslaved by porn. They started with a lot of backlash from traditional churches, etc, but it's amazing to see what they've done. They show up at the porn conventions and market themselves as the #1 Christian Porn site. They've had porn directors donate time and equipment to their cause because of the positive work they're doing. Very interesting stuff.

So anyway, all that to say, that the two guys are going to be on Good Morning America on Thursday morning. It'd be great for y'all to see. They're pretty cool guys. Or, at least from what I can tell from sitting in a session led by them.

That's it. Check it out.


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