
My Clean Remote

Apple Remote
Originally uploaded by Random Des.
This is a pretty neat device. It's the remote that came with my new Intel iMac (which, if you haven't heard already, I LOVE).

The remote is great. It allows me to access my video clips, iTunes music, DVDs, etc, etc, from across the room - usually it involves me and or my wife getting ready in the morning. Sometimes, we'll use it if we're doing house work. I'll often just stick it in my pocket and do some chores - pulling it out whenever I need it.

It's precisely this combination of apple functionality and house chores that caused this little thing to end up in the bottom of my washing machine. OK . . . and a lack of responsibility on my part.

Yes, I washed out my Mac Remote.

I was devastated.

Interestingly enough - it still works! That's right - I let the thing dry out and it is working FINE.

At least now I know that if it gets dirty - I can just throw it in the wash.




Christina said...

that's awesome desmond! my dad put his moto bluetooth headset through the washer and dryer...(left in his pants pocket).....and yes...here we are weeks later and it's still going too!

Kathy said...

Des, I just read your cotton eye joe comment on Kristy's blog and fell out of my chair laughing. I just thought you should know that you are still making me laugh hysterically even from hundreds of miles away.