
The Public Restroom of Life

WARNING: this post has been rated as gross by me. If you read you may be disgusted.

I was in a public restroom today. Specifically - a public restroom at a Wendy's restaurant. It was disgusting. Public restrooms may be, for me, the biggest stomach turner. Now . . . I'm a guy, so I can't speak to the conditions of Women's restrooms, but finding a men's room in any kind of presentable condition is practically impossible.

Even the "nice" ones . . . are often vandalized - it's got that Sharpiti all over the stall (Graffiti written in Sharpie) saying for a good time, call me.

Honestly . . . most often public restrooms are often so nasty that I don't even want to leave my waste there. The most vile, disgusting part of physically being human is too good for this place!

You want to wash your hands, but then you can't dry them without touching something - you can't even leave without touching the door. What's the point? You'd just have to go back and wash them again.

I wonder how God feels about sin. Sometimes I think He's more tolerant of it than we think He is. That probably doens't make a whole lot of sense . . . but it does in my head. Other times, I'm reminded that maybe it's like walking into a public restroom . . . . at a truck stop.

Anyway . . . just some thoughts I had today. Getting a vision whilst you're peeing is something that may not happen that often.

Oh, while we're talking about waste . . . if you havne't heard it yet, remind me sometime to tell you the "Look what just fell out of my undies" story. Camp counselling is often fun . . . but you also have to deal with a lot of crap, sometimes!

Hope you weren't too disgusted.



Phil said...

Hey, I took your advice on Camino - and I'm loving it!

Anonymous said...

Hey dude, just came across your blogspot while searching for people of the same name as myself. Nice to see that someone pretty cool is spreading my name out there :)

Desmond Smith