
This Post Really Sucks

According to Mental Floss Magazine, the United Nations Economic Commission estimated in 2003 that sales of vacuum-cleaning robots wouldn't reach 400,000 units until 2006. Well, it turns out that the iRobot Roomba vacuum had announced that it sold it's one millionth unit just over a year later in 2004.

Now, that begs one very important question.

What on Earth is the United Nations doing discussing robot vacuum cleaner sales?

SURELY, there are more important things to be discussing at THAT level of global leadership. The last time I checked millions of people were dying of preventable causes all around the world. The lsast time I checked millions of tons of food COULD be distributed to starving families in some of the poorest countries. There are still wars. There are still horrific disasters.

And the UN is discussing vacuum cleaners?

That really does suck.



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