

Kristy and I will be doing a seminar this coming weekend at the "Main Street Ministries Conference" held by The Salvation Army at Camp Walter Johnson. We'll be dealing with what outreach is and how we can both make our programs and other initiatives more outreaching! It'll be good, I think. It will be the first time we've presented this material though.
Anyway, all of our material will be available on the following website in the coming few days: http://www.webandflowdesign.com/outreach.

Go there and check it out. Handouts, case studies, resources, and even our visuals will be there - if you need it.




Phil said...

dude. i was going to comment and say you left me off your links on the sidebar. however, I then realized that i left you off mine for like 2 months on accident. if this is revenge time, i completely understand, and i won't bring up the whole, "vengeance is mine, saith the Lord" verse." if, however, you just don't like me, I won't be sad. i promise. :(

Kendra Lynn said...

I am very impressed with your outreach powerpoint presentation.
i'm going to show it to my husband and our pastor...we have been trying to get an outreach program together.

Kendra Lynn