
It Only Gets Better

So, tonight at the coffee house in Waynesville, Chuck and I performed. I didn't even know he could sing. But he can. And he writes. He gave me a couple of his old notebooks that he's written poetry and stuff in. It's pretty amazing. After he started singing, I grabbed my bass and we rocked it old school.

In a way.

In a completely different way, we didn't rock anything. But it was definitely fun.

We played pool too. 3 Games. I beat him LEGIT in one of them. He MAY have let me - I don't think I'll ever know.

Anywho . . . it was fun.

And it keeps getting fun-er.

Chuck is a much better writer than I. He beats me at pool and he writes better than I do. Hmmmmm.


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1 comment:

Tammy Williams said...

Cool Photo! Perhaps you should try and get him to cowrite some worship songs with you:)