
Who am I living For?

I am beginning to realize how much I am living for other people instead of for Christ. Not that I haven't always suspect such . . . but far too many of my hours are spent in an attempt to please people, for our mutual benefit.

Honestly, I realize that I have made decision relating to my church because of issues pertaining to my job. I don't like that. Perhaps its one of the difficulties of working within The Salvation Army . . . not too many evangelical churches are as, if not likely more, well-know for their social service work and agency-ness.

In any case, it's a viable and valuable church, nonetheless. And, a church that I am proud to be a part of - even when people ask me if I go to church at a thrift store.

All I need to do is to take ownership of it - to make my faith practice about my faith, about my relationship. I admittedly have not done that - certainly not to the degree that I really want to. My most worshipful times were during CharminUltra ministry nights (see http://charminultra.blogspot.com for more info).

And I think it's about time to do it again.



Alex said...
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Alex said...

i miss the salvation army! all we have here IS a thirft store....serious! okay sorry. we have one tiny little corps in the whole province...but it doesn't count because i don't know them.

love reading your blogs, des! very thought provoking and inspiring. thank you!

Anonymous said...

i think it is about time ot do it again.