

If you've ever had any difficulty reconciling the concept of God existing outside of time . . . C.S. Lewis handles it amazingly in two books: 1) Mere Christianity and 2) Miracles. The ideas that he puts forth in Miracles, I've been reading for two or three days now and I'm still reeling from it. I can't quite get my head around it.

In Mere Christianity, he says what one would expect him to say - generally that God sees everything as we understand present - past, present, and future he sees as an instant. It really is a good passage and you should definitely read it.

In Miracles, however, he takes it a step further and says that since everything occurs in an instant, future events (i.e. prayers) can affect past events. A paraphrase of Lewis' quote is that a prayer prayed at noon can affect events at 10:00 am. That's amazing - and hurts my head when I really get thinking about it.

In any case, it's worth a read.



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