
ProActive Christianity

I hate the word proactive. I first heard in in driving school - or that's the first place I can remember hearing it. Didn't like it then either. It sounds too much like what stupid people say to sound smart. Sorry. Don't mean to offend . . . that's just what I thought. It's also very weird because I LOVE the word active . . .

Incidentally, I'm indifferent to the word passive.

But we're talking about proactive.

It literally means to act in anticipation of future needs, changes or problems.

And I think I pretty much describes what Jesus was. Which stinks, for me, because, as you will remember: I really don't like the word.

There's a lot of talk about Agressive Christianity - and it's not that I don't buy into it . . .

I just don't think its fantastic at universally describing how our Christianity should be. Granted, I'm no expert. Proactive seems to be a whole lot closer. I'm not against Aggressive Christianity, I think some believers are called to that outright, BOLD, in-your-face Chrisitianity. Correciton: I think ALL believers are called to an outright Christianity.

My thoughts, right now, lean towards a Jesus that was proactive in seeking out people that needed Him, not aggressive in cramming Himself down someone else's throat (as described in Catherine Booths Papers on Aggresive Christianity). But, he definitely made amazing efforts to love and to confront people and their sins.

Perhaps what we really have here is an arguement (by me) over words; mere semantics that really refer to the exact same style of Christianity. We may be describing the same point on a continuum from two different perspectives.

I have to think so more.

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