
Redeem it's Desert Places

Kristy and I have taken over Corps Cadets at Charlotte Temple (it's a bible study/service kind of group). Long story short, we were supposed to start yesterday, but it completely slipped my mind to inform Kris of this little fact. Id Est - It was one of those days . . .

Realistically, there have been a lot of those days, I suppose . . .

So, we're running late for church . . . and we remembered that there was one of the Boys' and Girls' Club workers that wanted to see us for a few minutes . . . we weren't sure what it was all about.

So we get there, all frazzled, and the coolest thing happened. We met with this worker and she just wanted to tell us that she'd been thinking about and praying for us all day long, and that she just wanted to encourage us and give us a word of scripture.

Read Isaiah 35

God is awesome. And His people are awesome. He knows just what we need, when we need it, and how we need to get it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Des, I'm in Vietnam now, and still able to check your blog, which is good. For me - you probably could care less. :) Anyway, read the article from the Southern Spirit, and what you posted in response. Finally picked up a copy of McLaren's "A New Kind of C" in Thailand and read it. All these things are interesting, and leanding to me to a point that I can't discuss until the summer when I am back stateside.
Anyway, that was much, much rambling in order to say, thanks for making me think, and I'm really want to talk about all this stuff this summer!
Talk to you later - hope you don't get fired!