
God wants his money back?

In working on a project regarding worship, God gave me this thought:

"Have we made the 'audience of one' sit through something other than what he paid for?"

I liked it a lot. The background is essentially this. Through our lives, through of times of communion and celebration of God, through our praises, God is to be honored. In fact, he is THE audience for all of what we do. When we sing a solo, or play in the band, or lead praise at church, it matter a whole lot less what the congregation thinks than what God thinks. The congregation, in fact, are merely performers in a great production honoring who God is.

God's given us a pretty clear outline that we've managed to muddy up quite successfully. To the point where I think what we do as churches is more like going to the same show 'EVERY WEEK FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES' than what God really wants.

He obviously wants our attention, our affection, our admiration. I feel guilty now when I'm not completely blown away by God. I say that he's powerful enough that I should be. Sometimes I say that I need a certain song, or a certain style of music, or a certain event to get into a worship frame of mind . . . that's the biggest pile of anything that I've ever said. If I'm not completely awed by the God that God is . . . then my problem goes WAY beyond musical sylings.

That's what I mean when I say we've completely missed the boat. We're not completely awed by God's majesty. I was going to go on but that really says it all, doesn't it. Why do I need a Tomlin tune to bring a tear to my eye? I can want it to ADD to my communion . . . but if I NEED it . . . I've got a problem.

I think I've got a problem.

Grace All.

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