
What to do with $150,000?

There is something altogether liberating about committing (with 300 of your closest friends) to raising over $150,000 to help knock out poverty, help other marginalia populations, and worship . . . . All at the same time. I had no idea that for $3,000 USDA, The Salvation Army can build and run a children's home. $3,000 . . . that's it. Especially here in the Southern US, $3,000 is petty cash.

TYI in Oklahoma finishes today . . . tomorrow i travel back to Charlotte. For the first time in a LONG time, i'm excited about going there. But it also means a return to the real world . . . a world that doesn't put the same value on my re-found extremism. i need people to help me keep everything in focus.

And to think, just a few weeks ago, it was still up in the air as to whether or not i was going to be 'allowed' to come. Thank you GOD for working that out!

See you back in NC! Incidentally, if you want to give money to help me build a Children's home for some hurting kids, that would be awesome.


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