
A New Era

Well, Kristy is no longer my girlfriend. After six years, i decided to call it off. really, i was just tired of that phase of my life.

So, i gave her a ring and asked her to marry me.

Yup. It's official. She's finally my finacee and not just my girlfriend any more!

i'm pretty stoked! Kris, you're an AMAZING person and i'm SO happy to officially be spending the rest of my life with you!

i guess you've all figured out she said yes.

1 comment:

sarah jewett clarke said...

DES! KRISTY! okay.....SO excited for you. AHH. anyway.....congratutlations and all that good stuff.

in case you were wondering, i'm in NEWFOUNDLAND.

want me to bring you anything? some tim horton's coffee, perhaps?

love you guys, so glad you're gettin' hitched.