
Photoshop CS3 (Beta) Launches Today

I knew this was coming today. Earlier this week, Adobe announced that it would be releasing the long-awaited first update to Photoshop in Universal Binary - which if you're an Intel Mac and Photoshop CS2 user (like myself) you understand all too well. So, I've been waiting all day to get my hands on this. By the time I left for Waynesville this afternoon, the update hadn't been posted yet, so it was closer to 11:00pm before I finally got my hands on it.

CS2 was a great program, but it was dog slow on the Intel Mac (if you care, it's because it hadn't been optimized for the new Intel Chips). CS3 that was released today FLIES. I haven't had a lot of time to really play with the thing, but even opening the program . . . I can't even explain it. What takes closer to 30 seconds with CS2 takes 5 with CS3. I'm very impressed, and all the more excited, now, about creating stuff.

My first project will be an ad for Waynesville that will appear in an upcoming Smoky Mountain News. I'll post it here once it's done.

If you run Photoshop CS2 (either windows or Mac) and have a valid Serial Number, you can download a Beta of CS3 from http://labs.adobe.com.



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