
Rule of Thumb

A very interesting tidbit from the latest Rob Bell sermon (number 07 in his series "Jesus Wants to Save Christians") - and I quote:

If people who are really desperate and broken and screwed-up LOVE to be around you, and people who are very uptight and self-righteous find you disturbing, then you're probably being like Jesus. Just basic rule of thumb. If really, really, really screwed up people who are way outside . . . un-, non-, . . . LOVE to be around you, seek you out, tell you their secrets - and people who are very sure they're "in" and everyone else isn't are disturbed by you and find you a bit offensive and maybe right letters to the editor or say things about you and slander, then like, maybe there is always the chance . . .

If you're part of a group of people where atheists, and prostitutes, and drug-addicts, and people who are barely hanging on, if you're part of a community where they feel love and accepted, and people who have nice neat brick walls and have dotted all their i's and t's find you very disturbing, there's always the chance that it could be because you're being like Jesus.
Very interesting. His latest sermon talked about the narrow gate. I can't describe it, just go listen. Download from the link: http://www.mhbcmi.org/listen/index.php.




The Secret of Happiness said...

That's a great quote.

Stephanie said...

That quote can be used for us to gauge our church communities... I like it. And I like Rob Bell.