

I'm late in reporting this, but I have a new toy on my mac. I've downloaded Disco, which is a great new disc-burning utility. There are some interesting reviews out there - some great, some not-so-great - but I think it's a great little app. And it's got some great mac eye-candy to boot.

When you start burning stuff, the app actually starts to smoke - just like you can see in the picture. It'll do all kinds of formats and media (CDs and DVDs - plus they've committed to being ready for when Apple adopts either Blu-Ray or HD-DVD or both). You can change the smoke to different styles (like fire and goo, among others). They've even taken the time to make the smoke interactive. So, if you run your mouse cursor through the smoke, it blows around, in response to the movement. Very slick.

The UI is great too - nice and animated . . . very mac-ish. It's a different style - it's all black and gray . . . as opposed to the red, yellow, and green window buttons for example. It's a nice change.

I'm a geek - and I enjoy how things work - but I'm also a sucker for eye-candy.



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