
Running from Cheetahs is Easiest when Using Your Feet

Unity. You may remember a number of posts about unity from a while back. You may also remember my saying that we need to make every effort (a la Ephesians) to keep the unity among the body of Christ.

I still believe that - first of all.

What I'm realizing is that we may have a bit of a misunderstanding (or disunderstanding) about what unity really means. It seems like for a long time we've had the idea that unity means all of the believers sitting around worshipping as one big happy group in one big happy room. But the more I read about unity, especially going back to Ephesians 4, I don't necessarily think that's an accurate description.

So, I've prepared the following anecdote for your consideration. Remember that unity is described with many references to a body - i.e. the body of Christ.

There is a reason, a very good reason, why your hand is found at the end of your arm - which is complete with joints and enough length to reach just about everywhere except that one spot on your back. There is also a very good reason as to why that hand, at the end of that arm, has a bunch of fingers that that bend and grasp and point and scratch. Those are the functions of fingers. The arm carries the hand to where it needs to be so the hand can hold the fingers out to do what they need to do.

There are times when an elbow needs to do something other than bend and there are times that the fingers have to be the supportive group instead of the functional group (like when you're using a cue stick). But the arm, provides support so fingers and hands can do their work. Obviously if the hand couldn't get to the knee to scratch or to the feet to put on your socks, there wouldn't be much use to have a hand.

Now, there's also a reason as to why every inch of your body isn't covered with fingers. At times, it may be practical to have fingers everywhere, but for somereason that's not how we were put together

Interestingly, your body is covered with skin - skin can itch - fingers can scratch and can be carried by arms to where the scratch may be. You fingers serve your skin - and your arms serve it too.

So, unity in the body, is not every part having every function. It's not your body having fingers covering every inch of epidermis. It's the hand using what it can do to serve the parts of the body that needs it. It may seem like a lot of work . . .

. . . but it's in the best interest of the hand to scratch the itch. Otherwise, the body still itches. Another example: it's in the mutual best interest of the legs and of the body if the legs do their function of running away from a wild cheetah about to sink its teeth into the shoulders - which are relatively far away from the legs. But, it's all still one body.

It's also in the best interest of the body if the legs do their job AS WELL AS POSSIBLE. It's not going to do much good for the legs to run away from said cheetah at 15 mph. Cheetah wins. And eats.

It's NOT, however, in the best interest of all appendages if the hands get the idea that they want in on the action. My advice is to NOT try to run away from a cheetah standing on your head. You have a better chance using your feet and legs.

So, what is unity? Essentially, in the body of Christ unity is acheived when all members involved know their role and do it not for themselves but for the entirety of the body. It's also knowing what is NOT your role and not trying to usurp the members on which your jealously may be focused. It is sometimes great to be a hand. It is sometimes great to be a foot. There is often great joy in being an elbow.

Know what you're called to do and do it.




A. St. said...

awesome. You have a gift with words , my friend. Good, edifying word. Thanks-

Kathy said...

Parfait, Excellente!

sarah jewett clarke said...

awesome. share that with everyone.