
What to Say

During some recent worship I was participating in, the statement was made, "Lord, what else is there to say except 'thank You' for all that you've done for us." This got me thinking. If we stop thinking about ourselves and what God has done for US, there's a LOT more that we can say.

Here are a few helpful suggestions:

  • You are good
  • You're love endures forever
  • You are a perfect judge (or You judge perfectly)
  • The world declares your majesty
  • Nations will bow to you
  • You are love
  • You are perfect
  • Your anger is righteous
  • Glory to you, God
  • The earth is Yours, and everything in it.
No one should ever be stuck for things to say about the master of the universe, especially us, over whom He is soverign. Add more please - but don't use any personal pronouns, just to make it about God alone.

I'll add more later.


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