
Debt Free

I spent some more time listening to Rob Bell today - in his book "Velvet Elvis." He was talking about how he had just spent some time in Turkey, and how many of the houses that he saw there were unfinished. A friend of his explained that in that Muslim culture, it was looked down upon to carry any financial debt. So, families would save up financial resources, build a portion of their homes and when they ran out of money, construction would simply stop until such time as they could save up some additional money. He went on to discuss how different that was from our Western Culture

I have a problem with debt too - though it's not philosophical as much as how I was raised. But I have been realizing something over the past little while, or, I should say that God has been reminding me of something that is likely quite obvious. I am not in need of ANYTHING . . . .

That sentence was going to continue with, " . . . though by no means are we wealthy." Even now, though, I have to stop and really think about that. What does it mean to be wealthy? I am not wealthy financially . . . . but when it comes to life and joy and satisfaction and opportunity, I am rich beyond what I ever could have imagined.

Plus, now that I'm 26 and over the hill, I'm obviously more wise than I've ever been! Perspective is a wonderful thing.



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