
The Kingdom

I was engaged in an interesting conversation last night . . . the topic: What (or where, or who) is the Kingdom of Heaven? If I were trying to explain the "Kingdom of Heaven" to someone - what would that be. How does one get there? Is it a place at all? Is it a citizenship?

That, I think, is going to lead me to some interesting places, and some interesting reading, and probably some interesting opinions too.

What do you think? What is the kingdom of heaven. I'll post more on it later . . . but for now, I'd like to hear some opinions.



1 comment:

Kathy said...

That was an interesting conversation. I think the Kingdom of Heaven is that place in the spiritual realm where Jesus sits with the Father, however I think that the elements of the Kingdom, unceasing worship, power, glory, holiness, all the good things that the Kingdom represents, are obtainable to us now and our journey is down a path where we learn and develop a lifestyle fit for such a Kingdom. Does that make sense? I think where we're going is simply forward...in thinking, understanding, unvealing, learning and loving God on deeper and deeper levels throughout life and I think this is what the scripture means when it says that "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."
Being a Christian and having a true relationship with Christ allows us to be able to draw closer and enter in with the righteous activities of heaven. This essentially is what draws people to want what Christ gives. Unceasing joy, beauty and a plethora of other positives. I might be rambling, in fact I am 90% sure that I am, but I have been thinking alot about this since last night too. I'm interested to see what you post next...