
Awesome Cosmic Power . . .

So, aside from 5 stars shown in this picture, the rest are ALL galaxies. Whole, freakin' massive GALAXIES. This is a Hubble photo that was taken over a LONG period of time, pointed at the same location in space. Each one of these specs of light represent a collection of stars and planets and matter comparable to the "Milky Way".

This boggles my feeble mind. Not only can I not think in terms of what this photo represents, but I think a lot of what we think we understand breaks down too.

There is SO much that we don't know.

"The Heavens are Your Tabernacle."



P.S. Extra points to anyone that can finish the title . . . Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

...Itty bitty living space!(what's my prize?)
Hope you and Kristy had a great Christmas and this year will bring you all sorts of crazy and wonderful things!

Wayne said...

How about "Awesome Cosmic Power... in and itty bitty blogging space."