

We don't need anything else from God. We may want it. But, I believe it is wrong to say that, "I need to be fed." No. 2 Pete 1:3 says that, "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness." We have been blessed to bless God and to bless others.

Worship IS NOT about us. In any way. It's not about what I like. It's about God. The only that I'm even involved is that I have to be the one to do it.

Perhaps we're in a situation where we don't understand what worship is. That may be the bigger issue. I'm arguing with someone about worship . . . but it doesn't work if we have different understandings of what worship is.

But I don't want to be a group of self-interested people gathering together for mutual self-interest.

Sorry, I'm venting. I'm in Orlando still following a 'heated' session.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this not a dead horse we are beating here? It's true the statement, "we have done to worship what we have done to the church." I pray for the day when both of these misconceptions will be cleared up for us.

I was part of this discussion group, well I sat in on it. There are those of us who get worship, and those who seek to get from it.

What I think matters is that, it happens. Worship happens. That is what God cares about. Sure we may have our own motives, and that's between us and Him.

When we worship God, He is pleased, it is the fragrance of heaven.... sometimes there are those in our midst who worship for how it makes them feel, but they are worshipping none the less, and if God honors halfhearted covenant, won't He also willingly accept our misguided attempts at worship.

Worship is a lifestyle, and when we finally get that lifestyle down, none of this will matter.

God bless you Des for speaking up!

~ Aaron Abram, SAMS