I want to be able to motivate people to do something useful and be less self-interested. How does one do that?
Thoughts on life . . . well, my life, at least.
I want to be able to motivate people to do something useful and be less self-interested. How does one do that?
Posted at:
5:35 PM
you know you already do that, right?
It was so great to see you briefly this weekend. It was good to see the Smith's happy and hitched! Love you guys, and praying for you over the summer.
Your shirts rock, man.
I have soooo been struggling with that one since before I became a SAMS...part of why I did! We have to go about it in a spy-esque, incognito, subtle way so that people don't even see us coming....not so much us, but "it" as in servanthood. Now that you've brought that thought up again...I'll keep thinking. The whole incognito thing can be (or is it already?) a part of Delta Force!
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