Corporate Worship
Can anyone tell me where it is that we are commanded to participate in corporate worship?
Thoughts on life . . . well, my life, at least.
Can anyone tell me where it is that we are commanded to participate in corporate worship?
Posted at:
2:23 PM
There are not really any explict commands about corporate worship. Hebrews 10:25 tells us not to give up gathering together. Matthew 18:20 speaks of Christ with us when we gather together and Paul says we're to "Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs." -- Ephesians 5:19. Of course, none of that necessarily means corporate worship.
Some of what we do come from the implied Old Testament example of the Children of Israel coming together for a corporate expression of worship. MOST of what we do comes from an ever-evolving tradition.
As I read the New Testament, it seems that most times, when believers got together, they ate. Now that's a form of corporate expression I could get behind. Then, the traditionalists would argue that roast beef and potatoes is the only appropriate food for eating before God. The PoMos would want Thai and the blended crowd would be serving roast beef with lemongrass peanut sauce. And Newfies would want a four-hour Jiggs' dinner. ;)
I think it's amazing in Acts when it talks about how they met together daily to pray and fellowship and the Lord added to their numbers everyday the people who were being saved. They were growing and changing and experiencing things at such a rapid and powerful pace that they couldn't help but come together to share it with their brothers and sisters. They couldn't get enough of church! wierd....
That's pretty awesome, but it's more about coming together to encourage and keep accountable, to learn and to experience and witness power. They came together in expectancy that God would unify them as believers who truly loved eachother as Christ loved and to grow in his word. They relied on eachother for strength and they craved sharing together. There is definatly something to be said for people gathering together however worship can and actually should occur at any place and anytime through several means and Jesus himself commanded us to pray in secret so as not to focus on eloquent words but to be real and alone with our Father who knows everything about us anyway. That might all be rambling but I think you've been right on about worship and unity.
I love your latest entry. I never really looked at the story or Adam and Eve like that. Very awesome.
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