
Goo Goo Ga Ga


There are so many things that try to discourage us. Or, me. Probably you too. i'm sorry if there are. Today i felt as though i let down a friend. Long story short, someone made a dig and i didn't stand up for them. i didn't stay - i walked away . . . but i should have stood up.

And that stinks.

On to deeper things - i'll work out the rest of my mess up tomorrow hopefully.

So, i'm just about finished C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity. At the end of this last chapter he starts this example, which i will paraphrase:

"The Three-Personal God, so to speak, sees before Him in fact a self-centred, greedy, grumbling, rebellious human animal. But He says, 'Let us pretend that this is not a mere creature, but our son. It is like Christ in so far as it is a Man, for He became man. Let us pretend that it is also like Him in Spirit. Let us treat it as if it were what in fact it is not. Let us pretend to make the pretence into a reality.' God looks at you as if you were a little Christ: Christ stands before you to turn you into one."

He goes on to say that the "Higher thing always raises the lower. A mother teaches her baby to talk by talking to it as if it understand long before it really does. We treat our dogs as if they were 'almost human': that is why they really become 'almost human' in the end."

What is so great about that is that i can see that in my own life. God is 'pretending' that i actually know what i'm doing and going about His days speaking to me like i really understand. Soon i'll be able to talk to Him too, but for now i really just 'goo goo, ga ga' my prayers and my life to Him.

The best way to learn to cook is to keep cooking. You can't learn to REALLY drive until you get out on the open road. i can only learn to be a Christian by practising, failing, getting up, and doing it all again. THAT i do very well.

Restore to me the joy of your Salvation;
And make me willing to obey you!

Grace All!

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