
Death to CDs

In one of the podcasts that I've been listening too lately I heard the following prediction: That 2007 will be the year that the CD (Compact Disc) dies (The podcast was This Week in Media - and the prediction came from this article: http://lefsetz.com/wordpress/index.php/archives/2007/01/18/the-end/, if you're interested). It's really interesting to think about. I remember moving from cassettes to CDs and how much cooler I felt.

Then along came my first MP3 player - a Rio 500. It was amazing - I had 64 MB of memory and could stick a couple hours of tunes in my pocket. And then, several years later, I got an iPod. Apple has sold just about 90 million iPods now. This past quarter, according to wikipedia.org, Apple sold 21,066,000 iPods. And, yes, there are still some other companies out there too that are selling MP3 players.

So, is this the year the CD dies?


Do you remember what you're first CD was?
Mine was Gordon by the Barenaked Ladies. I remember sitting in my room playing bass for hours along with that thing.


Anonymous said...

I don't know Des. Here we are 15 years after the CD first hit the market and I can still buy turntables and LPs at high-end audio stores. If the CD hasn't been able to complete kill the one-purpose format LP, the multi-purpose format CD will be harder to get rid of.

While 90 million iPods is a huge number, the question should be, how many people bought their music via MP3 versus ripping them from CD? That being said, CD sales numbers are down.

Unknown said...

I am sad to say that Vanilla Ice's debut album was my first cd. Yikes.

gallant.alexandra said...

my first cd was the best of andrew lloyd weber..."the phaaantom of the opera is here..."

Alex said...

wow that's wierd. i just wrote that comment, but not under my account - under someone else's account who coincidentally is named alexandra. scary things on a school computer lab

Anonymous said...

Melissa Etheridge (self-titled) although I still prefer my 8-tracks

sarah jewett clarke said...

team clarke says:

jeff - my first cd, i am proud to say, was nevermind by nirvana.

sarah - mine was all 4 one, self titled. no regrets there.