
Vista on my Mac

I've been intrigued about the possibility of installing windows on my mac for some time. I haven't done it for whatever reason. But last night, I downloaded the latest Boot Camp beta, updated my firmware, and downloaded the RC1 candidate of Windows Vista ultimate.

I have to say that Vista looks pretty good. The polish is very nice. Lots of transparency, little animated things like windows opening and closing - the 3D rendition of fast alt+tab switching is in the picture above. I haven't had a chance to really get into it and play around - and I certainly don't foresee giving up OS X to come back to Windoze.

But I want to be informed!

There are more pictures online at http://picasaweb.google.com/desmondcsmith/Vista.



Johnny said...

That is nothing short of amazing!

Stephanie said...

I think it's funny that you have so many pictures of your Mac doing various things... kind of like how a parent would post pictures of their baby, yeah? :)