
Those People

Today was a very interesting day.

Kristy and I were at the Coffee House in Waynesville tonight - only a very few others were there as most of the teens were on a field trip to Atlanta. It's neat being there. I really enjoy it. Tonight was great because we just sat around, drank coffee, ate chili, ate ice cream, and chatted.

God is really working. In fact, in our chatting we found out that God is in the middle of doing a miracle in one of the soldier's lives - there's been some heavy stuff looming around his life for a couple of years now and God is getting ready to take it all away. Pray for it. Pray for a miracle.

The rest of my evening was spent at Haywood Regional Medical Center. My buddy, Chuck, has been battling some pretty big health, among other, concerns. Tonight he was brought to the hospital for emergency surgery to correct some serious breathing problems. Our friend Robert was there and stayed with Chuck through it all. It was a blessing to see that kind of compassion. It wasn't anything spectacular. It was what those people do.

There are lots of people in our lives. But then there are those that you want to surround yourself with. There is something about them that is not the usual. There is some aspect about their approach to life and others that makes them stand out without even realizing it. Being around those people makes life better. Of course, I'm not just talking about Waynesville. I'm talking about those people that we meet - that are few and far between, and often unassuming that you know you have to be associated with because they're going to make life better. Not just by what they can do for you . . . but by what being around them does to you.

Maybe it's their positive attitude (bad attitudes aggravate me). Maybe it's their compassion. Maybe it's their straightforwardness. Maybe its the fact that you just know they care. Maybe its their passion. Maybe it's their gentle-spirit and kindness (I married one of those people). But you know those people when you meet them.

Are you one of those people?


1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Nice post... how's Chuck?