

I mentioned a while back that I have been listening to Rob Bell's "Velvet Elvis" book on my iPod. It's amazing. I highly suggest getting your hands on a copy. He goes through a lot of interesting points - everything from explaining some Jewish traditions that we need to understand to fully understand Jesus and His interactions with Jews of His day to taking about Christianity surviving Christian Cable Television.

One of the things he gets talking about is that Jesus wants Christians to bless EVERYONE. Not just Christians, but people who aren't believers, those who do violent evil acts, etc, etc. He refrences Abraham and how essentially God's plan that we know through Jesus was evident in the experience of Abraham as well.

God wants to bless the world through his people. The church is to be focused outward, not inward.

Now . . . where does the title of this post come from? Well, he talks about how it does no good for Christians to picket, and criticize, and complain against the "world." He says, "Why blame the darkness for being dark?" Instead he proposes that we SHOULD be asking, "Why isn't the light as bright as it should be?"

I guess I just identify with this thought. It really makes sense in my heart.



1 comment:

Lynette Adams said...

Hey Des, you've just expressed a thought that's been knocking around in my head for a while. When I focus too much on "my witness as a Christian" I can become legalistic and judgemental. When I focus on the grace that has proven sufficient in my weaknesses, the non-church people seem to "get it".