
The Holidaze

I'm, by no means, a political junkie. Politics often make me cringe. Though, it's usually not the politics as much as the absurd views (and sometimes, even topics of debate) that we choose to argue over.

Admittedly, I'm getting quite sick of the whole Holidays vs. Christmas debate. On the one hand you have a few of the populace trying to cut out all of the refrences to Christ, because hearing a reference to Him somehow infringes on their rights. On the other hand, have a bunch of Christians trying to protect a sacred (i.e. as opposed to secular) symbol of a season recognizes Christ's birth. Problem is, the SACRED part is still very much non-Christian with the tradition coming out of ancient rituals of filling homes with evergreens as a symbol of new birth.

I feel much about the Christmas tree like I feel about Christians trying to protect the "sacrament" of marriage. Too little FAR too late. We have allowed the practices to become secularized, and only when we it seems endangered do we come out fighting, and then, more often than not, we sound (or are made to sound) ignorant.

However, I have to admit, that in this case I feel very much like non-Christians are 'overstepping' the rational. I can understand opposition to having 'under God' in the pledge of allegiance - I don't agree necessarily, but I can see the argument. I can understand having the right to be married as homosexuals - I can much more easily agree with that.

But, just because the vast majority of a country celebrates a holiday that someone else doesn't, that doesn't, infringe on the minorities rights, does it? I can't see it. That's like saying that the President's annual pardoning of the turkey (an obvious support of Thanksgiving) is an infringment on my rights and that the White House needs to can it.

Give me a break. What is it a slow news day or something ? All those kids suddenly stop dying in Africa? Every homeless person in America suddenly found work and homes? Sudanese genocide calmed down?

We need to be more concerned about something other than infringing on my merry rights.




Lynette Adams said...

Go Des!
Happy holidays to you and Kristy!!

Kathy said...

Amen Brother

Anonymous said...

So true...
Merry Christmas to you and Kristy. Miss you both =)