

Words can be very deceiving. Please understand that, through my last posts I did not intend to offend - but I assumed that it probably would just because of the way we Christians are. Also interesting is that Christ came, in his words, to bring division.

The longer we bicker about our denomination directives, the longer we're wasting time that we could be spending serving others or worshipping God.

Someday we will all be united - not he United Church of God - small 'u' united.

I apologize if I offended. That said . . . agreeing to disagree perhaps not such a bad thing.

Recommended reading: A Generous Orthodoxy, Brian McLaren.

1 comment:


Sneaky Sneaky, Mr Des.
I just read all of your "summer" blogs and am now caught up. I don't think you were being deceitful at all...I thought it was quite ingenious of you. I've never actually known the definition of catholic...thank you for some education!
Hope you're having a fabulous summer...praying for you and your beautiful wife!