
A Long Break

It, again, has been way too long.

Camp is going very well - don't really expect much to change.

I said the other day during a conversation that we should all be catholic. The response was something to the effect of, "Yeah, whatever" followed by a number of other interestingly-worded statements that I don't care to mention.

Us protestants, why do we think it's OK to keep protesting? And what are we protesting over? I understand the Lutheran split, I think . . . but it's become way to silly hasn't it?

In any case, I can't help but go back to the idea in Ephesians to make every effort to keep the bond of peace through the spirit of unity.

Why we gotta hate?


Kathy said...

Hey Des. Here's a quote that Sarah left on my blog when I posted about how Denominational competitiveness bothers me.

Christ's will was, and is, to unite. think how he wept over Jerusalem! think of his prayer, “that they all might be one.” but people did not and do not want this. Christ said, “I am the Way,” and that is what matters.

not what denomination or church group one belongs to, not social work, not reform, etc.—but the Way.

modern life is so complicated and torn, so distracting and disintegrating...whereas the Way is simple, light and straight, and unifies the whole of life.

- Kathleen Hasenberg
"Even for da' Catlics!!"

Anonymous said...

to be united means to be Catholic???

Doesn't make a bit of sense to me.

Jesus wasn't a Catholic, neither were the diciples or Paul.

They were, and we are, united in our love of Christ.

Unity in anything else isn't likely because we have our own human ideals which have skewed the truth.

Returning to Catholic roots will not solve that, and I would much rather just be united in common love than be part of a faith that does things contrary to what I feel the Bible says... and that's the arguement you will hear for not being a Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Salvationist etc.....

Differences divide, love unites.... let's rest in that!