
A Newfie Christmas - Day One

Well, we've been in Newfoundland for about 24 hours now. Twelve of that have been spent sleeping. That's the most sleep either of us have had in FOREVER. It was nice. And it's been great hanging out with the family and catching up on things that have been lagging behind.

In honor of our first day in Newfoundland, please complete the following test. It's one question long . . . shouldn't be that much of a strain.

In Newfoundland, it is currently:
a) a frozen tundra of ice, snow, and fauna suited for survivial in arctic condidtions.
b) very, very cold
c) a bowl of almonds
d) pretty much the same as when we left NC.

To heighten the anticipation, I'll leave the answer until tomorrow!

In summary, we're having fun and Tim Horton's is much more profitable than it was just a day ago.

Grace all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

d) pretty much the same as NC!
I love this, it's so warm and NOT snowy. I hate winter so this is good times. Hope you have a great Christmas home!!