
Letters to Santa

Santa Claus is a huge part of Christmas traditions . . . with that, I agree. I love Santa, but at some point it goes over a line of decency. Today, I learned that this year Americans will spend approximately $185,000.00 in postage for letters to Santa. That works out to be about 500,000 letters. Now, that's not included the people who are more technologically advanced and submit letters to Santa via the internet.

Now . . . lets say that each person who mailed a letter to Santa also donated the price of a stamp to feed orphans in famine-ravaged regions of Africa. Or lets say that the US postal service simply contributed this amount to some humanitarian aid fund.

We're a little messed up. We talk about peace on earth and goodwill to all men but this Christmas thousands and thousands of people will die because we didn't do anything for them, when we can.

I pray this Christmas we'll all do a little something to help someone who needs it. And not for us . . . for them. Just for them. For no other reason than they need something that we have.

Even if it's just $0.37.


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