
The Great Pyramids of Bristol


There is a new tea bag technology coming out of England. It's set to revolutionize the hot tea drinking industry all over the globe . . . and it has finally reached American shores. Pyramids aren't just for the Egyptians anymore!

. . . .

OK, so it may not be breaking news . . . BUT our good friend Matt Sims is staying with us in Asehville for a couple of days before camp starts. And he brought teabags from his Nan. I remember when they used to be square . . . then they were circles.

Pyramids add a whole new dimension . . . literally, in fact!

Matt says the tea tastes better because now the leaves inside can float in all directions, instead of just up, down, left, and right. I would be inclined to agree.



1 comment:

Kathy said...

Mmmm...I wish I could try some