
Please won't you be my neighbour?

I'm looking forward to meeting my neighbour.

You may know that Kristy and I have had some interesting neighbours in our relatively short marriage. There were the two guys that lived downstairs at our first place in Charlotte . . . their big thing was their temper . . . lots of yelling. In the mountains, we lived across from a Russian family that had 17 people living in the apartment . . . maybe not EXACTLY 17 . . . but lots.

Now, we live by a rapper.

Yes . . . a bona fide rapper.

Now, he's not very good. I mean I'd love to tell you that he's been improving since we moved in here about a month ago. He's certainly had plenty of practice. At least he's persistent, and, the Good Lord willing, one of these days he's going to tearin' it up, fo' real.

But for now, I have "the pleasure" of hearing his little casio keyboard, complete with booming bass, pounding through my walls, and his creative lyrics - the latest was a great, albeit repetitive crafting of "Whacchu talkin' 'bout, Willis?"

All that to say I'm sure he's an incredibly interesting individual that has a fantastically interesting story and I'm really hoping to get to know him (or perhaps them) soon.



Stephanie said...

maybe you could volunteer to play bass for him... or better yet, maybe the trombone!

Kathy said...

That's awesome.
I hope Caden can meet him when we come to visit. He's all about sweet beats.