
Get Joost

I've been lucky enough to be invited to a new beta test of a great new program. It's from the makers of the Kazaa and Skype - both of which were fairly revolutionary. Joost (formerly "The Venice Project") will likely be similarly revolutionary.

It's a program designed to share high quality video feeds among peers. But it's not crappy user-generated video (a la people sitting in front of a webcam lip syncing to some pop tune). Instead it's got some neat way of distributing video from sources like TV channels, bands, etc and delivering really good video.

It's really pretty amazing. I've been impressed so far.

You can sign up for a beta (windows only at the moment, I'm sorry to say) at http://www.joost.com. If it takes off, it could be a really sweet platform.




Anonymous said...

hey des,

i want to try this out, too! i you have an extra invite can u email it to me?

tkthree AT gmail DOT com


Anonymous said...

if you have any invites left please send me one

my email: spyke12324@gmail.com

Tin said...

hi if there are extra invites i would like one too..thanks!


ReflectionsAtKeppelBay said...

hi i'm davidyeo wanted to know how can i get the www.Joost.com Online Tv . members pls inve me to joint .. thank u .