

Yesterday, I went to a funeral for a woman that I had never met. It's not something that you often get to do. Kristy and I were there because we have met several of the family members over the past few months and wanted to be there and show our support for them.

But attending a funeral for a person that you didn't know can be very enlightening, in several ways. You never hear anything negative at a funeral. People focus on the positive things of the person's life. It's funny how that happens - why is it so hard to just see the positive things under normal circumstances?

The other thing I thought about yesterday was legacy . . . what's going to be left once we're gone. Will people be proud of us once we're gone? Will they look at us and see what a positive influence we have been. It was amazing yesterday to hear how many people reflected on the positive aspects of a dear woman's wife. "She was an angel."

There are so many things that we can get caught up in. Bad feelings. Grudges. Misunderstandings. Negativity. I've been caught up in those things before, but I really hope that I never let those things stick.

What will our legacies be?




The Secret of Happiness said...

I have a vision for people in church to hold a "This is Your Life NOW." Having been to many funerals, I always wonder whether or not the person we are holding the service for has ever been told the wonderful words people are saying about them.
So I would like to have a time in each service where we give LIVING eulogies to someone before they die.
Imagine how encouraged and uplifted someone would be if they knew the impact they are having on people NOW in this life?

Anonymous said...

She was an angel. And I thank you both for being there, it meant alot to see so many people that knew in a time which has become the most difficult of my life thus far.

See ya.

Stephanie said...

I have thought the same exact thoughts that Kristy said. People should be told while they are alive how special, wonderful, and appreciated they are. Then they may be encouraged to make even MORE of an impact... more of a legacy... while still living.

I knew her as a child, and have only pleasant memories that surround her in my thoughts. Her family is in my prayers.