
Shots from Newfoundland

I'm VERY happy to be home in Newfoundland. I had forgotten how beautiful this place really is. I'd DEFINITELY forgotten how beautiful it is in the summer time. This is the first summer that I've been home in about 3 years. We ended up taking a trip with Kristy's family to the West Coast.

Kristy's brother Scott is involved with a dinner theatre in Corner Brook. So we piled in a couple of cars ("We" being Kristy's entire family and their respective spouses) and travelled for several hours across the province. The dinner theatre was amazing, even better than the stops at Tim Horton's every couple of hours.

I REALLY enjoyed myself. We stayed at a litte motel by the Humber River, just outside of Corner Brook. There was a lot of laughing and a lot of eating. It was the first time that we ALL had a chance to be together and it ended up being a lot of fun.

The west coast of Newfoundland really is pretty amazing. Now that I live in the mountains of North Carolina, it's neat to be able to compare them to something. The mountains here are definitely much older and much more worn than the lush Appalachians. But no less beautiful.

There are a lot more photos at http://picasaweb.google.com/desmondcsmith so feel free to go there and check those out (30+ photos for now, with more to come). It's neat being blown away at how beautiful your homeland is. Kristy has said that it's too bad it takes going away to really appreciate what we have here.

I definitely agree.


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Stephanie said...

Yes, your homeland is extremely beautiful...so is spending time with family. I really enjoyed seeing the pictures of Kristy and her entire family... there's nothing better than being able to laugh, share life, and just enjoy family when everyone is together. That definitely looks like a fun group!

Johnny said...

Cool pics! Thanks for sharing.

I hope you're having lots of fun and making wonderful memories.

You deserve it.

Anonymous said...

oooooo desmond! its been way TOO long. It was just the other day I was thinking about out ER parties, and falling asleep under kristy's hamper lid thing. Those were the good ol days at 263 elizabeth. Hope youre having fun.