
My wife and I

My wife and I
Originally uploaded by Random Des.
Today was the last full day that I have my parents around. It's been great to spend so much time with them - it's been great just to SEE them after so long!

One of the things we were able to do this week was to go visit Lake Lure and take a tour of the area.

This shot was taken there. Isn't my wife beautiful?




The Secret of Happiness said...

Aww...you're cute Des

Kendra Lynn said...

Your wife IS very lovely.
You work for the salvation armY? I have never known a young guy who did that. My "OLDER" neighbors are very involved in the Salvation Army.
I don't know alot about it, but I do know that they do alot of good things for people in need.

I like your site.

Kendra Lynn